
[java] sun.awt questions

Started by March 28, 2000 09:19 PM
-1 comments, last by sckime 24 years, 11 months ago
I found some interesting tidbits while surfing the web and wanted to pick everyone''s brain on it. Does anyone know about the sun.awt.* classes? I know that they are the undocumented classes that exist below the java.awt.* classes. I also know that they are not guaranteed to be supported or stable across language versions. I don''t know anything more than this. Does anyone out there have any experience with them? Does anyone know the location of any javadocs related to them. Also, I found out that there was a book printed in 1997 called Java Secrets that detailed some of these classes also. I know that this is pretty vague, but further searches have proven to be dead ends. Thanks, Shaun

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