
do you have to be a artist to make objects...

Started by March 28, 2000 05:57 PM
3 comments, last by c++ 24 years, 5 months ago
do you have to be a artist to make objects and people..i want to be a graphics designer but i''m not the best drawer in the world,i want to make sports games and have peoples bodys look like the real persons instead of some stick dude..if you know of any good graphic software please tell me thanx
Well, I have to ask: If you have no artistic talent and/or can''t draw, but want to be a graphic designer... what would you expect to do in such a position? Are you hoping for software that magically does all the "hard, artsy" stuff for you? I don''t want to sound mean, but there''s a reason that people get paid decent money to draw things (like people)... because they''re GOOD at it, regardless of medium.

FWIW, there are 3d models of humans available for liscencing. If you don''t have the requisite skills or talent to create your own content, you can pay someone else to do it, either in house or not.

In a nutshell, you want high end content, you pay for it. Either with your own blood, sweat and tears or with someone else''s. And if you use someone else''s skills/talent, be prepared to pay for it.


i didn''t say i suck at drawing,i said i''m not the best in the world,the main reason i''m asking about software is because alot of the kinds that you have to use a mouse to draw i suck at i have to use a pen or pencil,so i''m wondering if theres some software that has better drawing tools then some of the others..i''m not used to drawing software so mouse drawing might be out-dated but thats the only kind i''ve seen
Ah, in that case, you should look into pen/tablet input. Many of the better computer artists I''ve seen use those (ie Wacom products) as they are more like traditional mediums.


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