
Right age for beggining game programming

Started by July 31, 2002 07:30 AM
24 comments, last by lone_ranger 22 years, 6 months ago
Well truthfully it''s hard to show humility in a realm such as this. You''re either good, or you aren''t. I am definately NOT good, and I know this.

I think it''d be more important to show kindness to people trying to learn than it would be to show humility, if you''re good. Second in priority would be PROVING that you''re good.

Also, recognizing that someone may not be trying to show how good they are is important. Because someone says "I''m only 10" and they make something good doesn''t mean they''re saying that they''re better than everyone.
Take it for what it is worth, but the great Michael Abrash is quoted as saying "a good programmer is a humble programmer". I can''t find the exact passage from his Graphics Progamming Black Book (its HUGE) but I vividly remember reading that section.

It was already stated why this is so, if you feel that you *know* something cold, you become much less open to critisim or change. You limit your knowledge because you are unwilling to accept that maybe you are wrong and their is a better way.
On the other hand, if you always keep an open mind, and remember that you are just as failable as the next man, you will be surprised at what you can learn.

Besides, aside from programmer all together, who do you think people have more respect and admiration for - people who are open to change or those who feel they are "the shit".
Sounds like you''ve already started.

One step at a time, take your time.

The thing you''ll hear a lot is "It''s hard".

Daunting - building a game by hand from scratch is rare if not impossible these days; you have a team of people working together, be it a online Mod team fuelled by love or a pro team fuelled by money.

Learn to work with other people, splitting jobs up since todays games are often too big to do by hand. In this sense be Microsoft not Ion-Storm. The greatest programmers are nothing without being able to get on with people. Patience and quiet confidence. Most crusty programmers find it a pain having to work with other people but it''s nice in the end - try linux.

Get into modding, saves work.

Help other people. Teaching others often teaches the teacher more than the pupil.

Keep perpective, keep it real. Think before code, test it. Test it again. What are you trying to do? Are you going in the easiest direction to achieve your overall goal.

Is it needed? Has the code already been done well enough before, good enough for youre goal? available as a library / call / source code available?

Don''t waste your time

Do what you enjoy, don''t bother with 3DMax if it bores you if there''s plenty of free material to use.

Use free stuff. Make the most of other people''s generiousity.
There''s so many games out there doubling up on the same tasks:-

AI, 3D engine, 3DSound, ControlSystems, HUD and that sort of player feedback.... etc, etc it goes on and on. If it''s been done before and you can use it, why not? If it isn''t good enough pray it''s OpenSource. You might find some engines easier to get into than others.

For example, you may find DirectX a real time saver in the short term but is it portable? Is the community unembarressed with it''s source code? Does it allow you freedom to do what you want....and legally?

How much work would it take to port to the ps2 if a program is under GL than DX? Are the people who use that sdl helpful and open?

The main thing I''d say is break it down. Find a part of a game that you find interesting or hit it off with:-

What about game AI, networking, interplayer relationships? Clever control systems, original player feedback.

But please, forget about realism and immersion. In my opinion it''s used by games makers in avoidance of thinking up something new and generally being creative.

Take on other''s ideas, especially if it''s just an feature/idea and not an unconstructive critism.

.. but then...what do i know? I can''t program
for 2d programming, you just have to know how to read and write, and a few other things too.
But for 3d game programming, you really need to know math. you might not think so but school math halps alot. try taking high school algebra and geometry before you do 3d.

thats why everyone with the interest can learn to program by following simple tuturials, you cant do that when it comes to gfx.

I disagree. Being able to program is like being able to draw well, model well whatever. You have to have an intinctive understanding of what you''re doing. No matter how many things you read if you don''t have that instincitive understanding you can''t do it. Well do it well. You can''t become a good programmer by reading or being taught lots just in the same way that if you suck at drawing you suck at drawing and all the articles, tutorials, books, lesson etc in the world can''t change that
And I disagree with that. I think you can learn anything if you have the right attitude, which is a combination of the humility to start at the bottom if necessary, and the patience to see it through to the end.

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Well, I''ve just turned 27. And I only started learning to program a couple of months ago. I don''t care if it takes me 5 years, with more hard graft than I ever imagined possible to do a basic game. I have a passion, I have a dream, and I''m gonna work really hard to fulfill that dream.
I admit that my maths is almost down to zero since college days. Is there still hope for me and any introductory maths books to recommend?
Original post by Anonymous Poster
I admit that my maths is almost down to zero since college days. Is there still hope for me and any introductory maths books to recommend?

Take some math classes at a local community college. You can always audit the classes so the grades don''t count. I tend to avoid auditing because I tend not to work as hard knowing the grades don''t matter.

Remember, just because you took a class once doesn''t mean you can''t take it again.
Any age is fine, usually, for game development. I was using QBasic at age 7, VB at 9, and C++ since I was 12 (I''m 14 now). You just need to know how to deal with people and get some experience - something I need, too. Haven''t completed a project in a couple years.

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