
help plz

Started by July 31, 2002 02:24 AM
5 comments, last by seph 22 years, 7 months ago
what programs and other stuff do i need to even start makeing a game?
Try clicking on the ''For Beginners'' link under the resources section at the top of the page.
There are a huge expanse of different programming accessories. If you are in it to make games FAST without bothering with a more adaptable language like C++ or VB then you may want to visit as DarkBASIC is a simple programming language for 3D Games.

If on the other hand you are trying to become a SERIOUS programmer you should try to get Microsoft Visual C++ or Visual Basic. Alternatively go to and download the JAVA SDK. There are also plenty of Tutorials on the site to get you started.
<A HREF="">For Beginners</A>
Maybe they should increase the font size of "For Beginners" so that it takes up half the screen, so that newbies will SEE it

You know your game is in trouble when your AI says, in a calm, soothing voice, "I''m afraid I can''t let you do that, Dave"
A programming language and a complier(depending on the programing language.
-----------------------------------------------------------"Shut up and eat your cheese sandwhich"
A programming language and a complier(depending on the programing language.
-----------------------------------------------------------"Shut up and eat your cheese sandwhich"

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