

Started by July 18, 2002 07:02 PM
4 comments, last by Cryotechnology 22 years, 5 months ago
This is pretty a newbish question, but i am having difficulty learning Dx 8. When creating vertex data, im having trouble finding out exactly how big 1.0f is. suppose here is the location of one of my verticies: 100.f,100.f,0.f would that place it 100 pixels along x axis, 100 pixels along y axis, and 0 among z axis? or would it do something different? i know this is newbish but i have a hard time finding this out
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here is some additional info:
it is in fullscreen.
the resolution is 1024x768.
Hope that helps.
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1 space is all relative. If you were to have your camera close to it, it would look huge. However, it you were real far away, it would look tiny. It basically depends on what you want it to be. I tend to think of it as 1 space = 1 meter because that works well for me. But you could have it a foot, or a kilometer.

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ok, i think i will just guess the size and keep trying until something works .

ty for the help
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This is an annoying situation isnt it. I understand your problem though. My problem was I wanted to draw a simple rectangle on the screen. However, no matter what I did, I couldnt get the thing in 2d screen coordinates where 0,0 was the top left, and 1024,768 was bottom right. I did have to translate along the Z axis until my rectangle was exactly the size of my screen, then I went from there. There has to be a better way....situation...what if I had a bunch of models floating around on the screen, but then I wanted to display a rectangle or dialog box that has to be in exact 2d coordinates, would you deal with a problem like that?
Use an orthographic project matrix (basically, it causes the z value of every point to be ignored in vertex transformation).

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