Hmmm this topic is very interesting to me. I''ve been thinking about it quite a bit as my product gets closer and closer to release.
I''m using quite a different slant to the shareware/demo approach.
Let me give you a little history. I originally started this project as a freeware game that I was hoping just to use to showcase my skills and indeed I''ve already posted versions on CNET and other download sites (and they are doing quite well).
The fact that there is already a freeware version available and the extra effort required to set up a shareware system makes it very appealing for me to try something a little different.
Ever noticed how commercial products often include trailers to future games? That is basically my idea with dreamstars. I will release another freeware version (Dreamstars 2) that contains slightly more features and a much nicer interface as well as better game play than the previous freeware version but at the same time I will also be releasing version 3, this is my commersial version and contains a heap of new features, things like multi player, new weapons ect...
Then I will liberally include alot of "trailer" type information in version 2. For instance my default page when the user enters the user interface is my help topic titled "Features of version 3" also on exit it reminds the user that there is a version 3 that has heaps of better featurs and is much more fun.
However I don''t think I can really plug the game to the extent that a "real" shareware game does, ie nag screens before and after and constant "buy now" buttons. It''s a fine line because version 2 should still be a full game in it''s own right...
As for piracy, well I''m thinking of a number of low maintance plans. For instance offing a substantial discount on future products for anyone that purchases Dreamstars before I finish producing my next product (this also helps in marketing) and also providing free upgrades to new versions (I have huge lists of features that I could add to future versions and the game isn''t even finished yet!).
I will send the user a registration code (just a GUID) and keep a list of each customer, name, email and registartion code.
Now my idea was that it should be fairly easy to varify (mostly) a real customer that requests a replacment copy or the new version because they would need to identify themselves by the reg code or the email address they registered under...
I was planning to use a simple dely method where I thought lots of people where using the same registration code/email:
My name is and I registered under
My name is and I registered under
My name is and I registered under
My name is and I registered under
If I get a list of requests for the new version that looks something like this then I know something fishy is going on and I just begin delaying a responce, by say a week, two weeks...
Now if someone wants a new version sent to the email address they registed under, that''s a different story and it''s pretty obvious they are a genuine customer.
Also you would only get one dicount for any registration, I think this is probably the strongest incentive for not pirating
I will put a simple registration scheme in the game, similar to big commercial products. Bascially if the game is run without registration then it will ask the user to enter some... Name, email and reg number. Then this information will the displayed on the title screen.
That will be the extent of my "protection" the game just won''t run unless you fill out these fields... Though there is no checking there, as long as they put some value it it will all work.
Actually I like this idea and may take it a step further... by doing some limited check of the system (computer name??) and using that to validate the copy. So basically if it''s moved(copied) it will ask again for the reg code. Just as a friendly reminder to pirates
Jai Shaw
--------------------------Dreamstars 3: A space combat game with depth?!