
Yo, what is the best Stargey Game of the Year???

Started by March 23, 2000 06:50 PM
7 comments, last by MuffinKnight 24 years, 6 months ago
I like AOK, Starcraft, AOE, Broodwar but what do you guys like?? "Don't Blame us, blame yourself or God" FFT
"Don't Blame us, blame yourself or God" FFT

AOK : ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!
yo yo, Starcraft bedrin! word up!

Programming::~Fredric(const Annoy_Ance)
3D Math- The type of mathematics that'll put hair on your chest!
Yes, AOK or EARTH 2150...
AOK although I still kick about on Homeworld
once in a while.

However, more importantly, shite, dissappointing rip-off sequel of the year...

I agree with you.

C&C3 Sucks!
What about CTP? That''s my favorite.

"Enslave the enemy!"
~Slaver from Civ. CTP
My favourites were Alpha Centauri (single player) and Starcraft (multiplayer).

Dune 2000 sucked as well (in comparision to the original)

- Daniel
- DanielMy homepage
AoK got really slow after you have like 30 people. And there was very little strategy involved, i think, it was more of a "build a ton of stuff and send it on over" type of thing

Broodwar is king

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