Hi I'm new and I have no idea about anything :)
July 11, 2002 11:06 PM
btw, you do not need to know about pointers to do some worthwhile programming in C++. C++ isn''t C with a few more features, it is remarkably different. The only problem is that there are very few C++ books, most books that claim to be C++ books are actually C books when it comes down to it. I suggest buying "Accelerated C++" to start off, then "The C++ Programming Language" by Bjarne Stroustrup, the creator of C++.
July 12, 2002 01:25 PM
I would recommend what Jonathon says about learning java first. I learned Java before C++ and it made learning C++ much easier. Since when i learned c++ all I really had to learn was how some structuring was done differently and how to do pointers it was not that difficult. If you do buy a book on c++ make sure it covers objected oriented programming mostly or else it is just really a book on C. That is the major difference between C++ and C.
Learn Java first though. It is much easier that way. Also on suns website they have a great API that lists all the classes and methods within the classes for finding what you need to find.
And also what triksand said was mean but somewhat true. HTML and flash are not near as complicated as Java or C++. Though you can do simple stuff in both Java and C++ without knowing much. There are many concepts that are complex in both of them. I would recommend getting a book to learn them and use websites as referances, because I have learned from both books and websites and books to me just teach you better. Websites are not made by professionals but by people like you and me and they tend to skip small unimportant details to make you get to the larger important stuff faster, but then you do not always understand the importants stuff. You can teach yourself java and c++ though. I did.
Learn Java first though. It is much easier that way. Also on suns website they have a great API that lists all the classes and methods within the classes for finding what you need to find.
And also what triksand said was mean but somewhat true. HTML and flash are not near as complicated as Java or C++. Though you can do simple stuff in both Java and C++ without knowing much. There are many concepts that are complex in both of them. I would recommend getting a book to learn them and use websites as referances, because I have learned from both books and websites and books to me just teach you better. Websites are not made by professionals but by people like you and me and they tend to skip small unimportant details to make you get to the larger important stuff faster, but then you do not always understand the importants stuff. You can teach yourself java and c++ though. I did.
I come from the same background (though I've used Flash more than HTML). If you know how to use Flash, but haven't used a lot of ActionScript, I would start with that. Despite what people here may say, the basics of ActionScript are every bit as rich as the basics of C++. I'm reading through C++ in 21 Days now, and I *continually* find things in C++ that parallel ActionScript. If you know Flash and ActionScript inside and out, you'll be able to go basically anywhere. Read this first:
- _Flash MX Actionscripting Advanced Training From the Source_ by Franklin and Makar
Then go through this book (800 pages of goodness):
- _Flash Games Studio_ published by Friends of Ed.
If you already know everything in these two books, you're more than ready to hit Liberty's _C++ in 21 Days_.
[edited by - Northchild on July 13, 2002 11:29:18 AM]
- _Flash MX Actionscripting Advanced Training From the Source_ by Franklin and Makar
Then go through this book (800 pages of goodness):
- _Flash Games Studio_ published by Friends of Ed.
If you already know everything in these two books, you're more than ready to hit Liberty's _C++ in 21 Days_.
[edited by - Northchild on July 13, 2002 11:29:18 AM]
July 13, 2002 10:42 AM
quote: Original post by Anonymous PosterThat''s like saying, well..., "you do not need to know about pointers to do some WORTHWHILE programming in C++".
btw, you do not need to know about pointers to do some worthwhile programming in C++.
I personally think telling our friend he has to start off with pointers and advanced C++ to get anywhere is misguided. Luc''s response is the one I agree with if he decided to charter a cource for C++. However, his previous experiance is with HTML and Flash. The logical progression Jonathon pointed out was Java.
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