
How do I make cool movies!?

Started by July 11, 2002 02:21 PM
7 comments, last by Raymondo 22 years, 7 months ago
I was wondering how to make a splash/gamestart-screen for my game. Alot of the startup screens I see are in mpeg or avi format. Some of them include in-game footage and others dont. I have been thinking over how to make one, I thought about using flash, but then I realized how stupid of an idea that was. One of my fav logo screens is the rockstar games one, the one from GTA3. How on earth to I make somthing like that?
Actually I''ve tried to do this before with DirectMedia and failed miserably. I never bothered trying to figure out why and I deleted.

So for the sake of teaching both of ourselves something I''m going to move this topic back to the top of the beginners forum by clicking "Reply To Topic".

Here we go
- Luc
Peace,Luc BooneTrans9 Studios
Sounds like you''re talking about the art side, not programming? If so, you probably need a 3D modelling program, or some good video editting software.

Warcraft III mod:
Project ROR!
Raymondo may be talking about the art side, but I''m not. I know how to make the actual .avi file but I don''t know how to implement the splash/startup screen that fades out to the main game entrance page.

Anyone have some insite to offer on this subject?
Peace,Luc BooneTrans9 Studios
Raymondo, it does actually depend on what you want to do. If you want a full-blown movie then professionals use programs like 3D Studio Max and Maya to create 3D animations and Premiere and After Effects to edit them. It''s a lot of work which will easily take you months to get comfortable with, as well as a lot of money to even buy any of the programs.

On the simpler side you can load pictures you''ve created with Paint Shop Pro, Photoshop and yes, even Flash. If I remember right, Flash does export to AVI. Your next task is finding code for an AVI player (or, if you''re using DJGPP/Allegro just convert the AVI to FLC and play it that easily).

The point is that you have a LOT of options for creating a nice intro animation and it depends all on what you want to do, what you''re working with and what you''re looking to get into.
I want MY start screen to be somthing cool and animated. Like the one that rockstar games used for gta 3. It does a crazy command prompt type thing and displays the message RAM ok ROM ok in green, and does some sweet matrix style noises and flashing effects. I dont want to use flash because you can ALWAYS tell its flash...somthing about that program bothers me. I'm also not sure 3D-studio max will meet my needs. Its more for 3D game intros...I want to go for more of a 2D (with cool effects) approch for my splash screens. Any more ideas that people might have would be great. I am wiling to try ALMOST anything. THX!

[edited by - raymondo on July 12, 2002 8:52:24 PM]
Try JASC Animation Shop.

It''s a basic 2D animation tool that will export anything from animated Gifs to AVI''s of various compressions and most importantly, it comes free with JASC Paint Shop Pro.

Download a trial version from their website by clicking here.
- CheeseMonger
May I ask an innocent question not intended to generate trouble or flames?

Is this game done or ready to rock short of this title screen stuff? Because if it''s not, you''re running the risk of spending weeks to months doing a sequence for a game that isn''t even done. That''s scary. I would seriously consider (and hell, myself, I do this this way)

1. Engine design (if needed.. if the engine is already done I just skip step one.)

2. Between-engine / outside of engine design (that still uses the engine in the background.. like help screens, unit descriptions, level/location selectors..)

3. Outside engine completely (For example.. if you outfit a ship before sending it into a mission.. you don''t have the engine in play while you''re outfitting the ship... then you load the engine in after.)

4. Gluing. The credits. The title screen. About pages. Manuals. Cheat modes. Etc.

Well, to be honest i''m not really sure where we are. Our engine is giving us a shitload of trouble. We are having a really hard time finding a user friendly map design program. ANYWAYS, i''m not really much of a programmer. I mostly do modeling, ideas, music, and sound. Im waiting on the professional artist to get some things done for me. I was thinking that while I wait, I would find somthing else to do like building game start screens and stuff.

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