

Started by March 22, 2000 01:59 PM
-1 comments, last by Freddie 24 years, 5 months ago
Hi im new here(posted as anonymous poster in ''Questions about assembly''). But now I''ve registered Since noone wanted/was able to answer the later questions of mine (drawing a rectangle and so forth) I solved it my self (after some really heavy thinking) and thought I should share my solution :-) mov di,100 ;start X,Y xor dx,dx ;picture height mov si,offset Picture @Draw: mov cx,10 ;picture width rep movsb ;mov es:[di],ds:[si] until CX = 10/0 add di,Screenwidth - 10 inc dx ;dx + 1 cmp dx,10 ;do this until DX = 10 je @Check ;end jmp @draw Maybe could be faster but for now im satisfied with this //Freddie You say ''Hi'' and I say ''How?'' You say ''I dont know'' I am my own virus I dont need a host to live! [Email][/Email]
You say ''Hi'' and I say ''How?''You say ''I dont know''I am my own virusI dont need a host to live![Email][/Email]

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