
drawprimitive trouble

Started by March 21, 2000 10:33 PM
0 comments, last by doctor_b 24 years, 11 months ago
when i use draw primitive during runtime the triangle seems to attach one of its vertices to the bottom left hand corner of the screen and stay attached as i walk around while the other two points stay in the right place, whats wrong? i used draw indexed primitive and that works fine -----------------------------
I sometimes get a similar bug playing Thief: The Dark Project, so, you''re in good company.

It looks like somehow that vertex is at 0,0,0 in screen space or something. Are you sure you''re passing the correct number of vertices, the correct primitive type (list, fan, strip), and that they are all initialised properly? Try posting (at least) the code where you initialise these vertexes and where you call DrawPrimitive.

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