passing multiple arrays in c++
I''m making a program in c++. I''m trying to pass a multiple array from a function to another function and there save it in a other array. I''ve initialised it in the first function. But how can I pass the whole array to a other function. And there save it in a other variable and then entering the data in that other array? btw the size of the multiple array is variable. (Its a tile map)
Simple answer
- You can't.
Short answer:
- You can't do it in the way you (obviously) seem to want to, but there are ways around it.
Longer answer
- If your sizes were fixed you could declare them in the type of the parameter : void foo( char array[10][10] );.
- You can pass it as a pointer, but will lose size information, so you will have to do the indexing calculation yourself, passing the size as parameter : array[column+rowsize*row].
Complex answer
- Build your muldimensional array as an array of arrays.
- Or use the standard C++ library's vector class which carries size information, making a vector of vector.
- Or grab Boost's multidimensional array class.
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[edited by - Fruny on June 30, 2002 9:30:24 AM]
- You can't.
Short answer:
- You can't do it in the way you (obviously) seem to want to, but there are ways around it.
Longer answer
- If your sizes were fixed you could declare them in the type of the parameter : void foo( char array[10][10] );.
- You can pass it as a pointer, but will lose size information, so you will have to do the indexing calculation yourself, passing the size as parameter : array[column+rowsize*row].
Complex answer
- Build your muldimensional array as an array of arrays.
- Or use the standard C++ library's vector class which carries size information, making a vector of vector.
- Or grab Boost's multidimensional array class.
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[edited by - Fruny on June 30, 2002 9:30:24 AM]
"Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it." — Brian W. Kernighan
Ok thanks for repley but I''ve still got a problem.
How can I pass the array with a pointer? And how can I then acces the data? So how do I the indexing calculations?
How can I pass the array with a pointer? And how can I then acces the data? So how do I the indexing calculations?
It sounds like your knowledge of C++ is a little shaky. I would recommend that you get a Teach Yourself C++ in 21 days book from your local library and refresh your memory. Thats what I just finished doing myself.
Once you create a class to store your matricies you will be able to pass them by value, pass a pointer by value, or pass by reference just like any other data type.
You can use the standard template library to create a vector or vectors. You can use a constructor to create a vector for each row, then add the rows to another vector, resulting in a vector of vectors. You can index a vector of vectors just like you would a 2 dimensional array.
This is what I am working on at the moment. A Matrix class that can handle all the matrix operations. I had to refresh my knowledge of C++ before undertaking this, if your C++ is rusty you might have to do the same. Or you can use one of the matrix libraries at
BTW Mathematica is an excellent learning tool if like me your matrix math is a little rusty. You can type in the matricies and multiply them and imediately see the results. Great for double checking you matrix functions.
Once you create a class to store your matricies you will be able to pass them by value, pass a pointer by value, or pass by reference just like any other data type.
You can use the standard template library to create a vector or vectors. You can use a constructor to create a vector for each row, then add the rows to another vector, resulting in a vector of vectors. You can index a vector of vectors just like you would a 2 dimensional array.
This is what I am working on at the moment. A Matrix class that can handle all the matrix operations. I had to refresh my knowledge of C++ before undertaking this, if your C++ is rusty you might have to do the same. Or you can use one of the matrix libraries at
BTW Mathematica is an excellent learning tool if like me your matrix math is a little rusty. You can type in the matricies and multiply them and imediately see the results. Great for double checking you matrix functions.
ok i''ve got a book about C++(a dutch book) and also programming role playing games with directX(Jim Adams). And I''ve decided to write my own (simple) 2D engine to learn how to do that.
In the book from Jim Adams he uses a method of passing a pointer from the multiple array. And then store it with the memcpy() function in a other pointer. later the data inside is used. Can some body explain my how that you can do that (or give a good link). I know it is a basic C++ question but I really can''t find a answere in the book i have and in the on-line tutorials about array''s i also can''t.
In the book from Jim Adams he uses a method of passing a pointer from the multiple array. And then store it with the memcpy() function in a other pointer. later the data inside is used. Can some body explain my how that you can do that (or give a good link). I know it is a basic C++ question but I really can''t find a answere in the book i have and in the on-line tutorials about array''s i also can''t.
Using memcpy might work, but its not good programming. It might be the best way for C, but its definately not the best way using C++.
Personally I would take the object oriented approach and create a matrix class, but if you are set on taking a functional programming approach then here is my suggestion.
The STL takes care of the assignment operator,subscript operator, and copy constructors for you. So you are free to use =, [], pass by value ect.
Matrix a,b,c;
a = CreateMatrix(3,3); // a is no longer empty
b = a; // b is now a copy of a
a[0][0] = 5; // a is now different than b
The Standard Template Library is really worth the effort to learn. Don't let the syntax scare you. STL is a powerfull tool no C++ programmer should ignore.
[edited by - Raskolnikov on June 30, 2002 3:41:41 PM]
Personally I would take the object oriented approach and create a matrix class, but if you are set on taking a functional programming approach then here is my suggestion.
//Define a Matrix data type using vectors#include <vector>#typedef vertor<int> Row; // dynamic array of integers#typedef vector<Row> Matrix;// dynamic array of rows //Initialize a Matrix Matrix CreateMatrix(int numRows, int numColums){ Matrix m(numRows); Row temp(numColumns; for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < numColumns; j++) { temp[j] = 0; } m[i] = temp; } return m;}// I think this code is basically correct?
The STL takes care of the assignment operator,subscript operator, and copy constructors for you. So you are free to use =, [], pass by value ect.
Matrix a,b,c;
a = CreateMatrix(3,3); // a is no longer empty
b = a; // b is now a copy of a
a[0][0] = 5; // a is now different than b
The Standard Template Library is really worth the effort to learn. Don't let the syntax scare you. STL is a powerfull tool no C++ programmer should ignore.
[edited by - Raskolnikov on June 30, 2002 3:41:41 PM]
Original post by gobelair
Ok thanks for repley but I''ve still got a problem.
How can I pass the array with a pointer? And how can I then acces the data? So how do I the indexing calculations?
If you have an array int array[10][10], then the symbol array points to the first element. Then for index calculations, you just use array[i][j]≡array[j+row_size*i]
It should all be explained in the chapter on pointers and arrays of your C++ manual.
Good luck.
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"Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it." — Brian W. Kernighan
Or just contain the array and information in a class and pass the class and all the work is pretty much done for you, then just pull the information out of the class. Or a linked list will work even better, but that may just be a little more advanced than you are at this moment, but is well worth the effort and pays off immensely.
I know only that which I know, but I do not know what I know.
I know only that which I know, but I do not know what I know.
I know only that which I know, but I do not know what I know.
ok i''ve still got a problem i''ve written this code but if I run the program only one tile is shown correctly. what i''m I doing wrong? btw I''ve used Jim Adams game core. the fist function is a create function second draw third render.
bool cIsoMap::Maken(cGraphics *pGraphics, cTexture *pTexture, int *pMap,int With, int Height, int Colom, int Row){ m_Graphics = pGraphics; m_Texture = pTexture; m_With = With; m_Height = Height; m_Colom = Colom; m_Row = Row; m_Map = new int[(m_Colom * m_Row)]; ZeroMemory(m_Map, (m_Row * m_Colom)); memcpy(&m_Map[0], pMap, m_Row); m_Graphics->EnableAlphaTesting(true); return true;}bool cIsoMap::Tekenen(int x, int y, int TexNum){ int xSrc = TexNum * m_With; int ySrc = 0; m_Texture->Blit(x, y, xSrc, ySrc, m_With, m_Height, 1.0f, 1.0f); return true;}bool cIsoMap::Render(int xView, int yView){ int x, y, *ptr, TexNum; ptr = &m_Map[0]; for(short i = 0; i < m_Row ; i++) { for(short j = 0; j < m_Colom; j++) { x = (i * 32) + (j * 32 ); y = (j * 16) - (i * 16 ); TexNum = ptr[(i * m_Row)+j]; Tekenen(x + xView, y + yView, TexNum); } } return true;}
July 02, 2002 12:35 PM
Original post by gobelair
I''m making a program in c++. I''m trying to pass a multiple array from a function to another function and there save it in a other array. I''ve initialised it in the first function. But how can I pass the whole array to a other function. And there save it in a other variable and then entering the data in that other array? btw the size of the multiple array is variable. (Its a tile map)
The easiest way to pass a multi dimensional array is as follows:
int array[3][3];
void function( int **ptrToArray );
function( array );
now if it were a 3 dimensional array it''d be
int array[3][3][3];
void function( int ***ptrToArray );
function( array )
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