
One of the weirdest and yet smartest game ideas IMO

Started by June 29, 2002 11:55 AM
12 comments, last by Magic Card 22 years, 7 months ago
Yeah... it was just an idea, it wasn''t perfect The way archmage works involves a ranking/power system where you can only attack people whose power ranges from half yours to twice yours. In a text-based game this works well, but I guess it would be kind of hard to implement with a RTS/TBS/wargame interface.
WNDCLASSEX Reality;......Reality.lpfnWndProc=ComputerGames;......RegisterClassEx(&Reality);Unable to register Reality...what's wrong?---------Dan Uptonhttp://0to1.org
About that expert killing beginner thing: How about for every country you made an alliance with, made some sort of deal with, attacked and won the battle/war, conquered, etc., you would get some sort of points, somewhat like in an RPG.

I don''t know what kind of points they would be. Maybe money, or some other form of resources? But, anyways, you would get a certain amount of points depending on the size/power of the nation you took action against (or with), again like an RPG.

Then, you wouldn''t want to do those actions against (or with) really weak nations, as you won''t get many points at all.

Maybe also there could be alliances and coalitions, so a bunch of beginners could do those actions against (or with) an expert.

Or maybe you could be a group in a nation, and have to take those actions with or against other group, and keep quiet until you have enough power to overthrow the government.

It all sounds a bit Civilization-ish to me, though.
you know what guys?

GO OUT OF THE HOUSE, GO IN THE CITIES, MEET GIRLS, HAVE FUN. and then you realize the game you talk about is your own life. you are yet in, you can do what ever you want to do in your game, just DO IT. and, well.. sozial life is more fun in real world. much more bugs in to hack around..

"take a look around" - limp bizkit
If that's not the help you're after then you're going to have to explain the problem better than what you have. - joanusdmentia

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you see thas the problem with extremes. on one end you have ppl wanting realistic games that mimic real life things that are dangerous to your well being, and on other there are ppl saying just go utside and do those things. last i checked no one here coul run a country and kill ppl without repercussions. heck, i doubt many here could even afford to be president (or even a senetor). i also dont find it fun playing a game in which i must handle things i do in day to day life. having to goto the super market in a game i pointless. having to deal with going to the bathroom or working a 9 to 5 job is also pointless. dealing with micro managment like described here for this game when the goal is so global is also pointless. there is a reason no one has made a game this low to the ground. simply put, its a very large scope for pcs to handle. requires tons of code, ai, artwork, ram, storage, etc. but also time to deal with. you need an accelerated time sechdule in the game. countries take decades to form (well actually hundreds of years depending on the scope of development and technological advancement desired). players wont play a game for decades, or even a single year (assuming 10x time scale and 10yrs of gameplay). who would want to deal with sleeping in a game (since assasination can occer at anytime)? yep, i gotta sit there and watch the screen for 10min - 20mins while my avatar sleeps and make sure i dont get assainsinated.

the major problem with all game ideas is that they are not thought through for practical gameplay issues. ppl only come up with what will seem cool, and whenever someone mentions something bad (for instance about assasination) an often silly response comes (for instance, you are armed to the teeth even though you are someone just coming into power who has very little money, technology, food, or weapons).

personally i think this "game" idea lacks any thought at all since you dont explain anything about the actual gameplay. you merely state some of the "cool" things that that are possible and are just reciting stuff that ppl know about ruling. ideas are a dime a dozen, and ppl have thought this one up quite often (the lets take some hit games, mash them up, add some "real life" to it, place no restrictions on it, and call it a game).

as a multiplayer game(is pittin countries against each other) is pointless. unless all the players start at the same point when the match begins you have a VERY unbalanced game. being that the game is so huge and detailed (going by what was given in the "description"), you could not play out a scenario in one sitting with a group of players.

allowing players to use their own countries is silly. they will naturally get to the point in which they have nuclear weapons, and when going against others that dont will easily win battles. especially since there are no real political or enviromental issues with mass bmobings or useing such weapons. players dont care if land they dont control is radioactive, it wont even exist next time they play. same with radioactivity spreading over the world. political ramifications (such as requiring alliances with certain countires are infeasible unless the game is only multiplayer. though if a player disconnects, how does the country deal with things? using ai? what if the ai ruins the country? what if the player requires a particular players country, and they quit? does the player begin to have his country fail if no one else will help? since its quite likly that some players will just leave the game, it could change the entire economy as well as ruin the entire game for players. for instance a powerful country just ups and leaves. now the land and resources are gone, or will just the population go? or just the controlling power? or maybe the country reverts to a underdeveloped status losing technology? but now will players that relied on the country get screwed? get part controlling over it?

players will want there money back if things are not done to ensure they have fun, and other players cant have so much cnotrol that a new player will be unable to thrive. its the real world, no matter what you do a more powerful nation with no restraint will easily take over any smaller nation. espeically if they have technological advancments like nukes. though players wont be afraid to use them, nor would a player fear being hit by one. it just means time to start a new country somewhere else. kinda like spawn camping ppl hate so much. large countries blow up smaller countries as they start up.

basically a ill thought out idea to begin with. next time attempt to actually think things through, and not just post things unrelated to gameply. saying you can reserach is great, but you dont mention how things will be reserched. will the player hire scientists? will having large schools help? the holes in this concpet are too large to fix. start from square one, and get a solid foundation that is practical.

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