Original post by Bleakcabal
I don''t have access to Gamasutra ( I understand its a form of subscription services )
Nope, just register on the site, and you''ll have access.
more tuts on the same subject is always good anyway.
Why? Whats the point? You''d simply be repeating yourself.
I just checked the Nvidia site, and apart from being GPU specific the tuts are also aimed at higher-end card optimizations and all. I don''t care for a tut written for a GeForce 3 card only, I don''t have one. If he wants to write general tuts I would greatly appreciate it.
What do you expect? You don''t seem to understand that to do advanced stuff in opengl, you need to use vendor specific extensions alot of the time, for instance: NV_vertex_program and NV_register_combiners for nVidia ( both supported on GF2 ), or EXT_vertex_shader and ATI_fragment shader for ATI cards.
Until OpenGL 2.0 comes out, you''re stuck with it. ( Yes, there is the ARB_dot3 extension too, but that can only do diffuse bump mapping ).
You can do per-pixel lighting and full specular/diffuse bump mapping on a GF2 at realtime speeds ( ~10-20 FPS for a very small scene ), so it''s enough to practice on for when you do get a more powerful card. Oh, further articles on bump mapping ( well, DOT3 bump mapping anyway ) are not needed. There is a paper called "A Practicle and Robust Bump Mapping Technique for Todays GPU''s" which details bump mapping on GF2 class cards. It''s on the nVidia developers site, and is for the most part general ( although the implementation that is used is not ).
This site is also very good for learning bump-mapping, and extends what is said in the paper I just mentioned. This is all anyone needs to be able to do it. What more do
you want? If you don''t understand it, then unfortunately, it''s too advanced for you at this current time, so swat up a bit more and tackle it later.
So I bet most poeple will not have seen those tuts you talk about when they go to NeHe''s site.
So I bet most people are lazy when they go to NeHe''s site, as they haven''t looked around for other resources.
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