

Started by June 25, 2002 11:00 PM
31 comments, last by llvllatrix 22 years, 7 months ago
I plan to spend my summer writing tutorials for NeHe. Here are some of my ideas for tutorials: -Water -Lightning (this one should be interesting) -Volumetric Fog -Real time fractal tree generation -Artificial Neural Networks (AI) -Genetic Algorithms (AI) What else do you guys want to see as a tutorial? Ill try my best O, and if you need a fairly decent programmer on your development team, ill be glad to volunteer. Just ask what you want written and ill get back to you. I need the experience I ask nothing in return except credit. Something to put on my resume would be nice too. Anyway...Later Days... "Free advice is seldom cheap."
I would love to see a NeHe style tutorial on maybe a basic tile-engine or i would like to see a nice 2d particle engine.
in the end what i am saying is i thing there should be more 2d oriented NeHe tutorials.
I am some ideas of tutorials which could be interresting:

_ flash of lightning (for thunder)
_ light mapping
_ motion blure
_ Lens flare
Wow, I''d be really interested in those tutorials. From the idea''s greg presented, I would like to see lens flares.

Some other ideas:
- Loading a map/level (the only one NeHe has so far is lesson 10, which is simply a list of vertices in a text file; that is not a good format for larger, more complex levels)
- A real terrain engine, including collision detection and object interection (i.e. placing buildings on the terrain)
- How about a GUI tutorial? This could be split up into several different tutorials, perhaps on consoles, radars, menus, HUDs, etc.

Just a few thoughts...
Original post by Erunama
Some other ideas:
- Loading a map/level (the only one NeHe has so far is lesson 10, which is simply a list of vertices in a text file; that is not a good format for larger, more complex levels)
- A real terrain engine, including collision detection and object interection (i.e. placing buildings on the terrain)
- How about a GUI tutorial? This could be split up into several different tutorials, perhaps on consoles, radars, menus, HUDs, etc.

With source-code, ofcourse. Copy/paste everything into your favorite compiler/ide, all you need is a cool name. And you''ve got a finished game....
--------<a href=">Reverse Pop Culture
i would love to see a game.
Keeping things realistic..... I''d like to see a dot3 bumpmapping tutorial. Not that its anything out of anyones reach, but the current bumpmapping tutorial on Nehe''s site is a kinda dated method (although to its credit it will work on older cards) Maybe after this you could follow up with a per-pixel lighting tutorial that makes use of the bumpmapping.

-dot3 bumpmapping
-per-pixel lighting (making use of the bumpmapping)

They''re advanced topics, but they''re interesting area''s that someone should cover :D
"Build a man a fire, and he will be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he will have warmth for the rest of his life"

Some other ideas:
- Loading a map/level (the only one NeHe has so far is lesson 10, which is simply a list of vertices in a text file; that is not a good format for larger, more complex levels)
- A real terrain engine, including collision detection and object interection (i.e. placing buildings on the terrain)
- How about a GUI tutorial? This could be split up into several different tutorials, perhaps on consoles, radars, menus, HUDs, etc.

I think a GUI tutorial would be great. Menus, buttons, text boxes, and especially consoles.
I totally agree with Cobra, Per-Pixel Lighting and bump mapping would be great. Another one should be how to structure a good 3d engine. I had a lot of problems when doing it. Just in case.

Bye and good luck.
Original post by Crawl
With source-code, ofcourse. Copy/paste everything into your favorite compiler/ide, all you need is a cool name. And you''ve got a finished game....

You really nailed that one alright. That''s exactly what I want, code that I can make a few minor graphical changes to (without actually touching rendering source code, just changing the name and the textures) and call it my own. You nailed it alright.

Be serious, there are plenty of games out there with the source code released. If I wanted to copy the source code and call it my own, I could just take one of those. I actually want to learn how to do those things so I can apply them to a project of my own.

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