The intention of the view matrix is to position the camera into the origin (0,0,0) facing the positive Z (3nd) axis. This is done so that (ignoring scale) X of the rotated system is equivalent to your monitors X. Y as well, just inverted.
In order to apply a transformation you multiply a point with a matrix. In order to undo a transformation or have the exatcly oposite effect you multiply the point with the inverse of the Matrix.
This is exactly what happens here.
x.x y.x z.x 0 x.y y.y z.y 0 x.z y.z z.z 0-dot(x, p) -dot(y, p) -dot(z, p) 1
is the inverse of
x.x x.y x.z 0y.x y.y y.z 0z.x z.y z.z 0p.x p.y p.z 1
The latter would move a point from the origin to the camera, therefore the inverse moves the camera from it''s point in space to the origin
I may be getting older, but I refuse to grow up