
I need a way to go...

Started by March 17, 2000 12:56 PM
1 comment, last by Nepheus 24 years, 11 months ago
Hy everybody... I''m programming a DirectX library that will have things to simplify DirectDraw, DS, DI, etc... and Some engines like tile, 3d, etc... I''m just starting it and need to decide: I will create an object called TBuffer and will have DD Surface, Clipper, Palette, etc, but I''m having problems to put the drawing functions together, so I was thinking to put them in functions, separated from the class. I''d like to get some instructions about it and if it makes diference on the speed... Thanx a lot. Nepheus
"Eu sou, na verdade, a sombra do que quero ser" - Nepheus
Where you put your functions, in my opinion, is simply a matter of flavour. However, I would recommend looking at the CDX project and the Clanlib project (both API wrappers) to see how they do it. It might be more insightful to see actual code.
Thanx SiCrane, I had already looked at the CDX lib, but I''ll look at the Clanlib.

"Eu sou, na verdade, a sombra do que quero ser" - Nepheus

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