
Down The Gauntlet

Started by June 17, 2002 05:04 PM
3 comments, last by aramstudios 22 years, 8 months ago
In this game you must wonder around a huge world filled with cities and towns, villages, etc. The world’s name is Aramno. It’ll have a Middle Earth type feel to it and you will be in control of one character named Taro. Most of the game will be based on exploration more than fighting. Anyway, the story will be big and as non-linear as possible. Puzzles will also be a big part to the game. To some of you people newer to adventure games, puzzles, as in mysteries, not Banjo-Kazooie stuff. One of the best parts of the game will be the big battles between armies where you are one soldier in a vast army. Should prove fun. Anyway, It’ll be for the computer. The two-handed swords will be controlled using the mouse. It’ll work a ton better for laptops with the little finger pad. I came up with the idea for this game while trying to make a totally strange and new game like Superpig’s, but, as you can see, I came up with the totally old idea of a fantasy game with (I’m not sure) some new features added. Ooooooh well. The design doc is being written as you read (well, not while everyone reads, but you get the idea). I have some concept sketches of some of the weapons and a concept sketch of the main character. I have a crude map of the world and a few levels dreamed out. I originally wanted to make the game starting with the story, but, sadly, I just got some ideas for the gameplay and the story is coming along with it. I once wrote a small story that was futuristic, but I think I could turn that into a fantasy story. If anyone has any questions, feedback, or something, just tell. COOLNESS!
_______________________Dancing Monkey Studios
hmmm... i like the idea of mystery based puzzles as opposed to push the block on the square, so i like that.

However, i would like to know more about the plot. It seems interesting enough, but things like a large battle with a lot of soldiers may be a bit hard to accomplish, because of the sheer amount of processing power required.

I also like the idea of the sword control, it seems original enough, and i believe that with the system you are describing, even a trackball mouse would be good for control.

As for the middle earth-like world design, now that sounds sweet. With the right textures, it could look incredible. Maybe, unlike most games today, the textures could be a bit more lifelike, for instance, using colours that are a bit closer together on the spectrum. like using a green and the using a green a bit lighter, and another green a bit darker for grass.
Of course, for the world, will you make it comnpletely explorable, like in Jak and Daxter, where the entire world is accessable, or will you only be able to go to certain parts?
"Luck is for people without skill."- Robert (I Want My Island)"Real men eat food that felt pain before it died."- Me
Thanx for the post. The world will be totally explorable and not thrown into sections for more non-linear gameplay. I''m working on the plot though, so expect something like a website explaining it all later. The army thing will probably be only one small part.

_______________________Dancing Monkey Studios
yeah, but still, an army would probably try to make your processor its bitch. Plus, memory might be a problem.
"Luck is for people without skill."- Robert (I Want My Island)"Real men eat food that felt pain before it died."- Me
Well, you could probably pull of the army thing with imposters. You can draw 1000s of sprites on modern hardware, so if you render a few characters to a texture and then render 1000s of them as billboards you have an army. Everyone will look the same, but it shouldn''t matter if the characters are distant.

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