
all for nothing...

Started by June 17, 2002 12:12 PM
10 comments, last by PmanC 22 years, 8 months ago
hello people... i just reformated my computer, and as i went to copy all of the contents out of the cd that contained all of my opengl stuff, i got an error message that said, "drive not ready"!!! somthing must have happened when i burnt my cd... all of my opengl programs, tutorials, everything was gone!!! -PmanC
your cd is probably fine but you need to install newer drivers for the cd drive. if you used the ones that come with windows they may not recognize a cdr.
I agree. Try updating the drivers or take the CD to a friend''s computer before you toss it.
I agree. Try updating the drivers or take the CD to a friend''s computer before you toss it.

I asked one of the Black Robes why the Deceiver wasn''t going to stay to defend the dam, and he tersely replied: "He goes to warn the Emperor; moving through odd angles, faster than any man, and if unobserved, much faster than that."
I asked one of the Black Robes why the Deceiver wasn't going to stay to defend the dam, and he tersely replied: "He goes to warn the Emperor; moving through odd angles, faster than any man, and if unobserved, much faster than that."Elemental Engine:
the drivers arn''t the problem... the other cds that i burned work. -PmanC
i just tryed it on another computer an it didn''t work. -PmanC

Don''t give up just yet. Keep trying. Best of luck!
It's not what you're taught, it's what you learn.
I have no idea if they work for CD-Rs, but you could always try a disk recovery utility.

Have you tried to do a so called "blind read" of the cd?

I takes for ever but with that method even your most scracted cd''s migth be read - from there it''s just extracting the files from the iso...

if that doesn''t work you may wanna try a file recovering program like ''lost and found'' - it has recovered files for me even after I reinstalled windows 4 times on the drive

how ever you may have a hard time getting hold of ''lost and found'' since powerquest does not make it any more.
/Please excuse my bad spelling - My native language is binary not english|Visit meTake my advice - I don''t use it...
Try program called ISObuster to read files form CD. It helped me read some "damaged" CD just fine.

You should never let your fears become the boundaries of your dreams.
You should never let your fears become the boundaries of your dreams.

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