Drawing is fun!

Published February 07, 2006
I hate writing research papers; they always seem to take forever to get right, and I'm a natural at finding ingenious ways to procrastinate, such as writing entries for my journal [wink].

Or for another example, sketching pictures of mousey heroes (I'd forgotten how fun drawing and character creation can be!) After another week of trying dozens of different styles, I think I'm finally honing in on a decent game character. I've decided to base the character on the hopping mouse (which might give a reason why he's good at jumping if I go the platformer route with the game).

I was torn between deciding between two different styles, this "manga-fied" version and another more detailed, more Western style. While the other version was starting to look very nice, I've decided to go with this one because it's a lot simpler, meaning it's quicker to draw, and will look more in place with simpler background art. This version also seems slightly more appropriate if the game turns out to be heavily into action (this version looks a lot more at home wielding a weapon [smile]).

Now I have to remember that what I'm really meant to be doing is building an animation prototype, which means I'll have to swap my artist's pencil for my engineer's pencil*, and start designing an architecture framework and associated file formats. This might take me a bit longer than I had originally expected, but I'd like to do this thing right as getting good animation is critical to the success of whatever game this ends up as.

* Note: in reality, may actually be same pencil
0 likes 3 comments


You are very talented.

I like both. The first is cuter and innocent, the second happier and carefree.
February 07, 2006 09:38 PM
Trapper Zoid
Thanks! I'm fairly fond of both of these models, but it's a lot easier to express emotion with a few more facial features than just eyes and ears! I also admit that I've drawn this one in a very "care-free" pose, but it also looks really good when posed in action stances, talking, sad etc.
February 08, 2006 04:42 PM
Me like. It's cute.
February 11, 2006 07:36 PM
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