Dev diary: damage system.

Published December 08, 2021

One of the main and most important issues when working out the mechanics of melee weapons is the damage system.

There are many approaches, each of which is necessary for one purpose or another - from the simplest point damage, like in Counter Strike and similar games, to almost absolute match of the player's movements to inflicting damage, as it's implemented in any "adult" RPG. Second one is exactly our kind of case.

The trick of the method shown in the video lies in the almost complete correspondence of the movement of the weapon to inflicting damage. At the same time most of the stumbling blocks inherent in this approach are compensated. We talk about the lack/excess of the weapon's length, the unevenness of the animation relative to the "ticks" of the check, inevitable delays and out-of-sync in the network during cooperative and massively online play.

During the tests, the perfect registration of hits on objects from the smallest branches to huge moving targets was confirmed.

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