Dustwalker has been such a fun project. It’s the first game I did a beta test for and I was blown away by how many people volunteered to test it. I implemented a ton of cool features because of the beta testing and fixed a smorgasbord of bugs.
Only a couple more days now and everyone will be able to play it. The launch date is June 12, 2020. It’s really soon but I think the game is nearly ready and the things I still have to polish are pretty small.

I have to say Dustwalker has really helped my key art skills. Frost Bite got the bare minimum because I didn’t really understand how important key art was. My game making skills have grown in so many ways since Frost Bite. Dustwalker has quests, lore, and things you can interact with. It’s a true RPG in mini format.
I hope you too are looking forward to the new and improved Dustwalker.
You can find it on https://gildedoctopusstudios.itch.io/dustwalker-episode-1

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