Still here...

posted in The Berg for project The Berg
Published May 01, 2020

Wow! How time so rapidly slithers away through the slippery fingers of space-time.

Not touched this for quite some time as I had a kitchen to renovate single-handedly from the floor up… took some time… won't make that mistake again!

Now I've finally (almost) come to the end of the kitchen renovation and been furloughed from work due to the dastardly Covid-19, I thought it might be a good time to dive back into another mammoth project (and potential disaster in the making… it's what I do for kicks)… namely, The Berg!

So where did I get to?



Oh god…




Ok, so since my last foray into web based game development I've picked up a new skill at work called “Typescript”… lordy lordy why did I not learn this sooner!

The other thing I've learned is… DON'T TRY TO DO CCD (continuous collision detection) FOR EVERYTHING!!! It simply doesn't work (for me at least) for slow moving objects where your trajectory vector is tiny… like REALLY tiny. Huge waste of time!

So now I'm going to spend another large chunk of time converting everything into Typescript and re-building the physics engine (and when I say ‘engine’ it's more like a 9V DC motor).


Previous Entry Making a map (editor)
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