HeratisRPG- Core (Fire) species for battling!

posted in PROJECT DARKFALL for project Project Darkfall
Published December 06, 2019

Hey everyone! A simple blog update for you. Here's four critter species from our RPG that will be available to battle!

We're also working on script as we make the art and code, and it's going well! We've gone back through what we've written and refined a bit more, as well as get rid of some minor plotholes.

We changed up the tutorials to make them quests, so there'll be more incentive to complete them, and make it feel not so forced. Still working on the maps, battle animations, field animations, and they're lookin' great! I'll be sure to post them when we can. Shadows on the maps are now integrated, and the character sprite is darkened whenever they go into the shadows. I'll be posting video of the dynamic changes soon!

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