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posted in PROJECT DARKFALL for project Project Darkfall
Published October 23, 2019

Hey everyone!

Project Darkfall is and has always been actively worked upon ever since I started this account, and I'd like to update you on some of the strides we've made.


We've made over 100 battlers, all with their own lore and specialized biomes. Here's just a few summarized.


Void element. It hobbles in an unsettling manner as it spills a deadly chemical known as Osu. It only comes out at night, when the fog is at it's thickest. It's screams could be heard for miles.



Sky element. This large bird can be seen running across the plains of the Highlands. It's ability to whip up strong winds create cyclones.



Core element. This bird has a strange diet of iron ore, and is known to create vast forest fires if angered.



Spirit element. Erragh are said to have the ability of showing you strange worlds in it's ever-changing wispy form. Whether or not these worlds exist remains to be seen.



Our game consists of three different characters'  perspectives, all intertwining to give the player a more complete picture of the complex universe.

Part 1: Plague


His storyline is completed, and we're in the process of writing the finalized script.

There are actually several scripts for him, as we're not only writing for his main storyline, but the many sidequests and indepth NPCs that he will encounter.

Sidequests builds up your relationship status towards the town, and interacting frequently with the NPCs will not only raise your status towards the town, but with the individuals as well. The more you get to know them, the more they open up to you and offer you gifts in return!

This status will also effect who talks to you, and how much info you get from them. If your status is poor, you will have a much harder time completing the storyline. If it's good and you gain the loyalty of other people, more paths open up to you and you are able to uncover more of the story.



That's it for now, I hope you enjoyed!




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