NPC & Character customisation updates

Published September 26, 2019

As usual, my video devlog:

The system supports loading of the human male models with different features and armor.

Previously, the NPC were all loaded with the same hardcoded item set. Now I can define how each NPC looks like in the NPC configuration and then load it accordingly in the game. In this picture, you can see different NPCs with differnt armor set, and also the Thugs are loaded with different configuration.

Soon character creation and customisation will also be worked on, and that will benifit from what has been done in this direction, regarding the loading of characters with different features and armors.





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I'm excited to see how this progresses:) When I get some time I'll have to follow your devlog on Youtube.
Are you also using Unity serverside?

September 27, 2019 01:36 PM

Yes, I am using a headless Unity instance. For networking I use LiteNetLib, and works pretty well.

Let me know if you have any questions after you see the videos. I don't go so deep technically, I go just enough to shed some light on what I do, so if you have any questions do let me know.


September 28, 2019 10:19 AM
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