Your name :
I’m Pannacotta
Twitter Handle/ Other Social Media:
@Victoriio on Twitter of course !
One interesting and random fact about you that people would not necessarily guess:
I can play Epic Sax Guy with my saxophone .
What country you live/work in:
Colombia, but I’m French.
The video game company producing the project:
Pannacotta’s Factory ahahaha. I’m my own producer !
The name of the project:
Estimated release date:
October 2019 on Android, I hope !
Maybe later for iOS.
link to website/blog/steam page/Youtube/other:
I don’t have any website for now.
How did you get into making video games?
I didn’t even remember how it started. I began to make a game with Construct 2 which doesn’t need any knowledge about programmation. I realized I loved it ! Even the simplest feature. – When you click on this sprite your score increases by one ! That’s crazy ! I want to do more !
What is your background in?
I began on Construct 2 then I switched on Unity. I always was attracted by programmation so I tried it. I did some simple games but I never really published one. Caravan is my first serious project.
Blurb about game:
Caravan is a trading game. You have to buy, sell and make the biggest profit. You even can recruit traders or camels to help you in this task. 20 factions are unlockables to explore new strategies.
It’s a game where optimization and challenge are essential. Many options are availables but which one is the best ? You have to try and take the good decision every turn ! Good luck traveler !
What inspired this game?
Board games. I loved to play to Agricola or Jaipur which inspired me a lot. They are games where decision making is very important.
What makes it unique?
There is no random, no waiting time for playing like in a lot of trading/idle games. To unlock every faction you have to be clever, that’s all.
Another cool thing of this game is that you always can improve your score. There are tons of possibilities and options, it’s so addictive !
What will make it a success?
All the things that make it unique ;). Ahah, I think it’s addictive for some people. It won’t gonna be a game for everyone but for people who like to think and find the best strategy, it gonna be a must have (we have to be ambitious ahahah).
Who do you think it will appeal to?
Oh I just answered on the previous question I’m sorry ! It’s clearly for people who like to think and find the best strategy. Do you know Factorio ? It’s a PC game for crazy people who like to calculate everything and make the perfect ratio between resources and productivity – or people who like Rubik’s cube ! I LOVE THESE GAMES. So I guess/hope there will be some people interested by Caravan !
Number of people working on the project and skillsets:
I’m working alone on this game.
How are you handling art?
I’m doing art myself except for the background. I used an illustration from an artist I found on a web library. It can be used for commercial using. I will put his name on the credits of course !
What tech/stack do you use?
I’m using Unity. I love this software. Tons of tutorials, tons of possibilities !
Are you full-time? If so how did you make the switch to working full-time in game development?
I’m doing Caravan by passion. So I’m not on full time on it. But I stopped my ex work so these last months I had a lot of time to work on my game.
Is this your first game? If not how many and what other sorts of projects have you worked on?
It’s my first “serious” game. Others were not destined to be published. But they helped me a lot to improve my skills !
What’s been the hardest thing about making this game?
Hum it’s a hard question. Indeed all of the parts have their part of difficulty. But I always found the answer. Always. So now when I have a difficulty I’m not so worried.
But if I had to answer… I would say the more complicated is to be really confident with your game. You always doubt. I guess it’s a good thing but it also can be exhausting.
Anything else you would like people to know about you or the game?
Your camels can die of hunger. This game needs you too save them..! You won’t let them die, won’t you ?
The post Interview with the #GameDev behind the new trading game where your camels can die! appeared first on Gilded Octopus.