I’ve gotten a lot more interest in this than what I expected. I’m doing a series of interviews with video game developers. If you are interested in participating it is pretty simple. Fill in and answer the questions below and email it to me(gildedoctopusstudios at gmail.com). You can answer them either in a blog post sort of format or you can record a video and submit that. Also if able please include screenshots of the game, promotional material, videos of game play, trailers, and anything else you think is applicable.
Your name:
Twitter Handle/ Other Social Media:
One interesting and random fact about you that people would not necessarily guess:
What country you live/work in:
The video game company producing the project:
The name of the project:
Estimated release date:
link to website/blog/steam page/Youtube/other:
How did you get into making video games?
What is your background in?
Blurb about game:
What inspired this game?
What makes it unique?
What will make it a success?
Who do you think it will appeal to?
Number of people working on the project and skillsets:
How are you handling art?
What tech/stack do you use?
Are you full-time? If so how did you make the switch to working full-time in game development?
Is this your first game? If not how many and what other sorts of projects have you worked on?
What’s been the hardest thing about making this game?
Anything else you would like people to know about you or the game?
The post Interview with a Game Developer appeared first on Gilded Octopus.