So I have the economy running and graphs are up and showing me that I have a bunch of bugs in my economy code. Some goods are being bought but others are not. Why? I don't know, but the goods that are being bought are definitely working.
But I'm stuck at something stupid. Player orders. It's one of those things that if you don't have in your game everyone wonders why, and it's super small and its taken for granted, but it's kicking my ass.
Basically, to order a good, you need to know if it's a market or limit order, which good, whether it's a buy or sell order. But also, I need to spawn a button in order to cancel the order.
So do I make a class that takes a button in? Where do I place this button? How do I handle this iteratively so that I can have multiple orders? How do I know if a order has been executed so that I don't display it again? How do I dynamically spawn a button that links to only one order?
And it's so simple. When I place an order in my market exchange, I display a current order. Then I click on the button and it cancels the order.
This is absolutely kicking my ass, and it's absolutely not fun to code and is "work". So I am not motivated to work on it in my spare time.
Plus I am moving next week to a new town, I just got promoted in my database administrator job, I'm exhausted everyday when I come home. This is kicking my ass. I want to work on other things, but there really isn't anything to work on besides polish. It's time to do the drudge work. I've been putting it off for too long and I need to polish this UI before introducing new mechanics.
So super annoyed right now. I really don't have an idea of how to accomplish this task. Luckily, I found a cool Youtuber named CodeMonkey that makes the types of games that I'm working on, so maybe I can dig through his library and find something I'm looking for.