Setting up core mechanics

posted in KrisWolfe
Published March 26, 2019

This week was a little tougher than the last. Specifically, I wanted to create a skill tree, but I didn't have an idea of what exactly I wanted in the skilltree. I had some general ideas of what I wanted to happen, but nothing specific.

What I want to do is have a scheduler that you choose which active skills you have available, and the more you use a skill, it will unlock others. At the same time, as you progress in a day, the skill will "do stuff".

This week I tried Scriptable Objects, but I did not want my skilltree to be persistent. I decided I would use JSON to load my skilltree eventually. For now I have some test skills hardcoded into my skilltree class. My scheduler was tricky, because I couldn't use prefabs. Each skill would be different, and my attempts at injecting the skill into the prefab failed.

Eventually I decided to recreate a gameobject completely from scratch. This was a huge pain, because there are so many components it needs. Especially Text, which has all kinds of toggles and enums to sort through to get it right.

But today I got it working. I have a grid on the right that spawns "spawners" on the right for each active skill in the skill tree, and these spawners will create 1 object I can drag around. When I drag that object, it will create another object, so I can have multiple objects. My scheduler has 16 hours that will attach the draggable object to itself, so that my day schedule can count how many of each skill are in the scheduler.

It works. It might be horrible code, but it works.

This week: Get a visual skill tree up that shows what skills unlock, and have the skills actually do something when we're in the schedule. 


So to recap, what I currently have working: Purchase Orders work, with a 2 day delay, recreating an aspect of "The Beer Game". Customers vary depending on the day. All calculations for storage and inventory works, and if you have too much it gets rid of it, and if you don't have enough to sell to customers, it won't sell. Small economy is working, allowing us to hold inventory and cash and deduct and add as you sell. A scheduler that counts how many skills are in it. A skilltree that has unlocked and locked skills, and the ability to unlock skills and make them active.

Pretty happy with what's done in a week.


Here's some crappy photos of my game so far with free art assets I found off the store. Lots to polish when the game mechanics are in place.




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