Ninth Entry - 30 March, 2018

posted in Mikael Henriksson for project Tracked Mind
Published March 30, 2019


This is the ninth entry of my development blog for my project 'Tracked Mind'.

Since last time I bumped into two huge bugs while implementing new things to do the game, and those bugs would have ruined a lot of progress, but luckily I backed up the game right in time so it was easy to roll back from a previous backup. At first I thought I had to roll back to an earlier version of the project due to confusion about when I backed up the project last. Thankfully I didn't have to do that. The lesson I learned and that I would like to share is: It's really important to back up your project and doing it at the same time each week or even day helps! 

I lost some progress with the level design but I was able to recreate some other things that I was working on. So right now I'm working on making some new environments that I can use for recording a video to show what the game looks like now and how the mechanics in the game works. I'm uploading a few screenshots this time, one that shows a new part of the inventory that gives the Player some information about the selected item. A longer description about picked up items will appear as a Journal entry.

I've been trying to experiment with indoors lighting, with different results. Let me know what you think based on the screenshots that I've uploaded :) 


What's new?:

- A new detail window for all the items in the inventory.

- A new footstep system that is more accurate and independent from animations.

- New post process effects, some for making the game look better and some made to be used when the stress meter is full.

- New Journal entries for enemies and items. 


Bug Fixes:

- Fixed a bug that prevented the Player to pick up items. 



Take care!

/Mikael Henriksson




Next Entry A new video
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Looking good, keep up the good work! :)

April 01, 2019 05:50 AM
Mikael Henriksson
On 4/1/2019 at 7:50 AM, Sickb0t said:

Looking good, keep up the good work! :)

Thank you! :)

April 04, 2019 08:05 AM
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