Underground Sewers Fantasy Atmosphere - Sound Design

Published December 04, 2018

Hi !

Here is another background fantasy sound atmosphere that I wanted to share with you.

This is the inside of a deep artificial tunnel, most likely a sewers. We can hear a lot of water dripping from several sources. A few gusts of the howling wind from time to time. Hatches opening and pouring out a thick and slimy content.
Mice and bats seem to be the main tenants of these corridors.
There is a constant rumble in the background that seems to be coming from deep depths of the earth, giving the impression of endless tunnels. The atmosphere is thick, wet and scary.


You can find this sound and loads more at: http://www.ogsoundfx.com

2 likes 4 comments



Nice job! :) Sounds like my place! Yes I live down in the sewers! :D 

December 05, 2018 07:41 PM
Olivier Girardot

Oh, is that where you have your Orc parties ? ?

December 05, 2018 08:11 PM
On 12/5/2018 at 1:11 PM, Olivier Girardot said:

Oh, is that where you have your Orc parties ? ?

You know it! I got kicked out from under the bridge.... Trolls didn't want to play nice. Orc love is forever!

December 06, 2018 10:47 PM
Olivier Girardot

Haha ! Orcs are always in for a good sewer party !

December 07, 2018 07:15 AM
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