Sound Design: Orcs Feast - Immersive Sound Design Atmosphere

Published November 04, 2018

Here is a Fantasy Soundscape: an Orc Feast !

Orcs are huge warrior savage beasts. They are having a huge feast. Their leader is making a speech before a heavy drum music representation takes place. The Orcs are drinking, eating, shouting and fighting among each other. The party goes on with more music and the screams of an over-excited crowd of Orcs.


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1 likes 3 comments



Sounds like an average evening at my place! :D 

November 06, 2018 01:49 PM
Olivier Girardot
14 minutes ago, Rutin said:

Sounds like an average evening at my place! :D 

Haha ! Invite me to your parties next time ! ?

November 06, 2018 02:04 PM


November 06, 2018 02:05 PM
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