Hello GDNet!

Published July 13, 2018

First of all I would like to say it is very encouraging to see a community of people all creatively working towards building their vision.

I believe it is very important to have a community to bounce your ideas off of, get feedback from, and support each other. Especially in this day and age where it seems most people are telling you "No one cares what you have to say." or "Your ideas are a dime a dozen", and other discouraging things. I believe those things probably are true, most people really don't care and our ideas may not be unique or new, but I believe our passions are worth sharing.

I have been in the virtual world & indie game industry for 13+ years as a 3D Artist. Despite that time spent, I would say I am about average at best as an artist. I am really not the best at anything, yet I still have the ambition to build worlds for people to explore and enjoy, something I feel many in this community have a similar desire to achieve.

I likely don't have much to offer, but please feel free to reach out in a message, and I would be glad to help if I can. 

Before I go I have a small little teaser. I rebuilt this Panda Corey which I lost last year due to a computer crash during saving. I had exported the fbx and textures already luckily but the 3D software file itself was corrupted and unrecoverable. Tonight I spent a few hours putting the little fella back together again and I am so glad to see him back.

Anyways, thank you for taking the time to read, and feel free to comment if you like!

- Cody


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Welcome! :)


...our passions are worth sharing...

What an excellent sentiment!  I think almost anyone can have something valuable to share with the community. :)

July 13, 2018 08:39 AM
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