Testing some education!

Published February 01, 2018

My work on making scientifically smart games continues. I have been dabbling with some educational game ideas lately, and happened to notice that an old test-of-concept of mine was still online. Here it is: http://nakskovuniversity.com/

The idea is very simple: Distract the player/student from the educational nature of the game by making the challenge non-educational, and slowly increase the challenge. It's just a set of capitl training sheets, where the player/student gets quizzed on the capitals of countries or states. But it starts with just one question, and every round another question gets added, and the quiz starts over. So every round's question gets repeated in later rounds, enforcing memory. And to reduce the challenge without reducing the educational benefit, the answers to every new question (but not the old) is given at the strt of the round. So let's try African capitals:

Round 1: What is the name of the capital of Republic of Congo? Answer: Brazzaville

It tells me that answer, then asks me the question. Fairly easy to answer.

Round 2: What is the name of the capital of Togo? Answer: Lomé

Two questions get asked, each has both those answer options, Brazzaville or Lomé.

Round 3: What is the name of the capital of Cap Verde? Answer: Praia

Three questions get asked, three answer options each. And so on.

This is a very basic, but very efficient, way of training a fairly rote subject. It is also easy to program. My goal for now is to use this basic philosophy to create some training programs for different things. But most importantly, playing it feels like plying a memory game, not like studying. I hope I can expand that concept.

A bit shor tone this time, I know. But I would like to get back to the grinding stone on this one, and talk less about the work, and do more :)

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