Kseh Woa V - 2017-08-07

posted in kseh's blog for project One Day
Published August 07, 2017

So, it's been 7.5 hours since the theme for this years Week of Awesome has been announced. I'm pretty tired and other than thinking I'll probably do something with "Alien Invasion" I'm not quite sure what direction to take it. I have a couple ideas that might fit the other themes but I'm not sure they're within my reach for putting together within a week. Mostly been playing around with some assorted sprite doodles, seeing if anything inspiring comes from that. Also did a little work on a generic main menu and listened to some assorted music that I was hoping might be something that I'd like to use. Nothing has resulted yet in any kind of light bulb moment.

I'm realizing just how little I ever actually get around to working on game play. Usually I'm coding some feature or another that's supposed to ultimately build up to something but they don't tend to all come together to form something entertaining. And level building is something that I don't think I've really taken any look at for a very long time. It's something that I really need to take a careful look at after this competition is over.

As I'm trying to figure out what to write here, I'm considering an idea maybe with aliens invading castles across some world map. It's about the best notion I've had so far on anything I might be able to put together, though I'd need to figure out just what the challenge would be. And none of the doodles that I've done tonight would really fit but I could maybe use some assets from other projects.

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