Hi there community !
I have this game project that I have been thinking about for a while now. But I am not a game developer, I am a sound designer. My idea, which is not my idea actually, because it has already been done before, is to create a video game totally based on sound. I guess that would be an audio game. But not really because I am thinking of adding some visuals in there, although extremely minimal.
The thing is, that I have no knowledge of game conception. But I have some ideas for the story and the gameplay. I don't want to go into details here and there are plenty of things I need to sort out first anyway.
But here are a few questions:
- Which game engine / software would be the more adequate to create this kind of project ?
- Would a sound designer like me, who doesn't know a thing about programming, be able to create such a game alone (with a lot of tutorials) ?
- Would someone out there be interested in helping me out ?
Just for the fun of it, here is a sound atmosphere of a space ship under attack that I created a while ago: