Orientation Vector

posted in the game for project unirule
Published December 31, 2016

The past couple weeks I've been working on a custom class which I call an Ovector, or Orientation Vector. It's builds off of the THREE.js Vector3() class.

With the Ovector Class I can identify any three dimensional position in the scene, and then orientate it by giving it a direction to face, and an up axis so it orientates itself accordingly. The beauty of this class is that it has an internal InheritFrom function that acts a lot like lego blocks. Each new Ovector builds off of a previous Ovector.

The inheritFrom function asks for the following:

inheritFrom( x , distance , rotation , F1 , F2 , plane )// x: is the direction GP vector for the next position// F1: is the origin GP vector for the next pointAt vector// F2: is the direction GP vecotr for the next pointAt vector// this.position and x draw a line, so do F1 and F2.
	In the following pictures each Ovector is displayed with Arrows, Blue for Up, Red for Front, White for Right.

Screenshot from 2016-12-31 09-57-48.png
The picture above was generated by the code below.

//orientationVector requires the following:
// position Vector , scale , reference plane normal ( if none provided then one is generated )

var startingOrientationVector = new orientationVector( 
  // quickRaycaste requires the following:
  // origin vector , destination vector , minimum length , maximum length , mesh to intersect , return index ( if -1 then all indexes )
    quickVector( randomNumber() , randomNumber() , randomNumber() ).normalize().multiplyScalar(11) , 
      sphereCenter , 
      0 , 
      10 , 
      targetGeometryGlobalMesh , 
  ).point.clone() , 

var nextOrientationVector = [];

nextOrientationVector.push( startingOrientationVector.inheritFrom( startingOrientationVector.front , 100 , 1 , startingOrientationVector.position );
for( var i=0; i<55; i++){ 
  nextOrientationVector.push( nextOrientationVector[i].inheritFrom( nextOrientationVector[i].front , 100 , 1 , nextOrientationVector[i].position );

The newly created Ovectors do not inherit an orientation Plane to align themselves to, so they align to the surface to of the sphere instead.

Screenshot from 2016-12-31 09-56-39.png
In the picture above the same Ovectors are given a plane which to fix themselves to.
All that is added to the code is the following:

nextOrientationVector.push( nextOrientationVector[i].inheritFrom( nextOrientationVector[i].front , 100 , 1 , nextOrientationVector[i].position , startingOrientationVector.plane );


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