Kseh Woa Iv - Post 1

posted in kseh's blog for project One Day
Published August 08, 2016

The twins are in bed and my work station (kitchen table) is pretty much setup. I believe the theme was announced about an hour ago and I'm very much unprepared. I had every intention of setting up a blank project last night but instead took on some wasps or hornets and couldn't get back into project mode. I'm telling myself that the aim of entering this contest isn't to win or even "just finish", it's really more to take a stab at it and just see what happens. Or another way it's in my head, "to see what I can see". (Whatever that means).

The theme options, as it happens, includes undead and I have a couple single frames of sprites from my RPG project. I'm thinking that I'll have to redo them a bit for size and maybe details but having that as a bit of an anchor is a nice way to start. As for picking a second theme, my instincts say "Shadows" but I'm not sure where to take that. It feels versatile though. I could maybe get some kind of ruin graphics together but having some kind of direction of what the game should be would probably be better to have than to worry about additional graphical inspiration,

For participation points, I'm hoping that my general ramblings will be sufficient. I ramble a lot as I code so I'm expecting that I'll be able to take some of that and copy & paste it here. Hopefully figure out how to do screenshots here quickly. I doubt I'll be doing much on it at all but, I tried popping onto that Discord thing and there doesn't appears to be any activity at the moment other than old posts. Probably everyone's either working on their project or asleep. I was able to take tomorrow off so I'm hoping that I'll get a bit of a jump on this thing for now. Maybe at least get some ideas and a skeleton project sorted out (no pun intended). Work resumes Tuesday and the twins will be up bright and shiny in the morning. So time management... I have no idea, I'm just gonna wing it.

SilviuShader posted some details about what he's working with, so I'll do some of that too. I plan on using:

- Visual Studio 2010.
- Paint Shop Pro - Ver 4.12.
- MS Paint .
- Sfxr if I'm able to get to any kind of sound effects at all .
- SFML 2.3.2.
- TGUI v0.6.
- Maybe use an old version of ANL from JTippets.
- A timer library that I don't have a name for.

I don't know how to describe the so called "engine" that I'll be using other than to say it's a mess of my own code that I've been piling junk onto for over a decade now. If I am ever to take making games seriously, I need to abandon it. But for just having fun working on projects, it works ok. Kinda.

One thing I've given no consideration to is making the final executable and all available so hopefully that doesn't end up being an issue.

Overthinking the whole team name thing. Gonna just stick with my original login name.

I think I've rambled enough here for now. Gonna try and brainstorm a bit.

Previous Entry RPG Project Post 12
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Distributing the executable caught me off guard last year as I had never distributed a game project before. For me at least all of my paths were hardcoded and my resources were spread around my pc, I had to pull them all together into the executable path and make sure the game searched for them relative to the executable since users can put the folder anywhere including a differently named drive letter.

I also had a crashes due to missing audio DLLs on other computers, my game didn't even have audio!

August 08, 2016 09:08 AM

Do you get a reward for being the first to post the devBlog?

August 08, 2016 02:41 PM

Good luck! ^_^

I don't know how to describe the so called "engine" that I'll be using other than to say it's a mess of my own code that I've been piling junk onto for over a decade now. If I am ever to take making games seriously, I need to abandon it. But for just having fun working on projects, it works ok. Kinda.

A thought: Why not take this as an opportunity to pick up and learn a new third-party engine?

August 08, 2016 03:56 PM

Good luck!! :)

August 08, 2016 07:58 PM

Good luck! ^_^

I don't know how to describe the so called "engine" that I'll be using other than to say it's a mess of my own code that I've been piling junk onto for over a decade now. If I am ever to take making games seriously, I need to abandon it. But for just having fun working on projects, it works ok. Kinda.

A thought: Why not take this as an opportunity to pick up and learn a new third-party engine?

Combination of hardware and budget limitations. And also being distracted by other things. Maybe with the next tax return I'll get a new computer of some sort then make the switch to Unity or something. But then, that's what I've said the past two years.

August 09, 2016 04:45 AM
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