Vague talk of life aside, Rogue is still on hold. I'm going through with the little war game I mentioned last posting. Something simple to clear my head and test a couple ideas I have for cleaning up rogue and implementing a couple features. Looking over the code now after a month away from it. The glue tying items, creatures, and the map together to allow things like ranged attacks and such is a huge mess. There's alot that should be contained to just the creature system, but parts are hacked into both the item system and dungeon systems. Just tracking down why a thrown potion wouldn't apply its effects to the hit creature was a massive headache. and came down to some code in the dungeon system.... had nothing to do with the item or creature system....ugh.
I was bored and just with half an hour I didn't want to start on either project just to have to leave it when I finally got going. So I put a little more flexibility into the particle system that is used to splatter blood and pop the floaty text you've been seeing in the game demos. and a very rudimentary Arkanoid clone for testing. I had to have something to show off right :)
Phew, with that off my shoulders, its time to code.
Till next time, keep coding and don't quit.
If the codebase has become a mess I really recommend starting again with a new codebase from scratch rather than trying to fix it.
It might seem crazy if the codebase has taken months to develop. But starting again with reference to the old project seriously takes only a matter of days to produce something better with a better architecture.