RPG Project - Post 4

posted in kseh's blog for project One Day
Published January 22, 2013
Winter and summer screenshots. Though apparently flowers still grow during winter.

2013-01-22 Screen A.PNG2013-01-22 Screen B.PNG

I have a whole lot of code that does in some way what I want it to but it's by no means organized to be able to intentionally create different levels yet. Layering still doesn't work quite right and I have no way to descend into the caves below. Even if I had some kind of stairway, I don't think my code could support moving around there at all since I added in the trees. Also, not really sure if the frame rate being displayed is at all accurate. But what bothers me the most right now is that I have what I think is a really bad flicker on the trees which is especially noticeable in the winter scenes.

I could use some advise on the flicker problem. Right now, everything is just blt to a back buffer every frame and then the final result is blt to the screen. I'm not expecting the trees to change much though there will be the ability to chop them down or perhaps for a quantity of them to become fallen due to an area of effect spell. If anyone can suggest some techniques to look into, it'd be appreciated.
Previous Entry RPG Project - Post 3
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But what bothers me the most right now is that I have what I think is a really bad flicker on the trees which is especially noticeable in the winter scenes.

I think that this happens because of the very high contrast between close pixels (almost white snow vs almost black tree).

I would try to use a limited color palette, maybe an analogic (3 base colors) color scheme for the winter scene around a bluish, desatured color, something like this, and then recolor your scene from this color scheme.

January 23, 2013 06:38 AM

Thanks, I don't think I ever would've thought about the choice in colors.

I took a quick stab at playing with the color of the tree, making it more of a grey color, and it did have an effect. I also noticed that there's a bit of a difference depending on the scrolling speed. Between the two changes I think the effect has been reduced significantly on my development machine but I'll have to see what it looks like on one of the ones I use for testing.

I'm not sure what this is going to mean for the final look of the trees but I do think I'm going to hold off on tearing up the rendering code (at least for the time being).

January 23, 2013 08:21 PM
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