Back when I was learning to work with the ANL library I was going all through the documentation that was available trying to figure out what's what. And a little over half way down this page there's this image that looks something like a bunch of smooth interconnecting caverns which made me say, "Dude, I just have to get a map like that going, put a guy in it, and walk through it like a side scroller." Though I suppose most of my words weren't quite that well chosen, I probably did actually use the word, "dude" as the idea seemed pretty cool and I was excited and compelled to try it. That's what this project, Lab 13, is about. A download is available here and development notes and stuff can be found here. It's a work in progress so it's still has its flaws but it's a fun project to work on that's making progress that I can see and I'm thinking I'll do my best to see it through to a polished end.
Working on this project I figured I'd make a point of taking a step back and look at my game loop. I don't know whether I just googled for the wrong things or if my attention span was too short to look harder but it seemed to me that everybody has a different opinion and nothing is reliable. And I really have a hard time believing that the conventional wisdom is that using all of the processor time is fine. It just seems to me to be an improper thing to do unless maybe you're trying to do something that's really cutting edge. Anyways, while working on Lab 13 I'm going to look a bit more into making a few improvements to the base loop that I have going and noting anything I figure might be relevant in the project notes on my website. If I come accross any articles I feel are worth sharing or if I'm otherwise able to collect my thoughts on the matter into something useful, I'll be sure to share them here.