
posted in Skipping a D
Published August 31, 2009
Since it's been over a month without a post, I feel compelled to make one, even if just to make sure there's an entry for august. The wheels are still turning, albeit slowly. Another heatwave a while back sapped my motivation, and more recently I've been tempted by other, much simpler, projects. I'm not going to give up on this though. A 4D game simply must exist, and come hell or high water it's going to happen.

Anyway, work on the editor progresses slowly, and has revealed cause for refactory. The first thing wrong was my unnecessarily complex polychoron object model. I had a "Polychoron Part" class, which a polychoron would contain one or more of. As an example, I have a PlatformTesseract which will be the main surface object that the levels will be made of. The top and bottom of these have a grid-line shader applied, and all 6 sides (left/right, front/back, kata/ana) are just a solid color. This requires 2 separate geometry buffers, one for each shader. One polychoron part would be for the top and bottom, the other for the sides.

This worked, but was ugly and unwieldy. Since polychora are subclassed for specific purposes anyway, and they already contain a list of cells that they're made of, I shifted the responsibility of managing different surface materials to the polychoron subclass, rather than this awkward, extraneous part class. This worked swimmingly and greatly simplified slice code, allowing me to completely delete the part class. If refactoring were Tetris (and it kind of is), deleting an entire source file is like clearing 4 lines at once.

With that fresh, clean refactored feeling, I set out to allow my game objects to be consumed by the editor. This presented another problem though (of course it does, why wouldn't it).

In the editor, 4D objects are to be displayed in 2D panels that cover each permutation of axes. The question is then, what's the best way to flatten the object into the 2D plane without them just becoming jumbled messes. I decided that objects should draw the least number of lines possible (in other words, only their actual edges). Unfortunately, I have no way to achieve this yet.

Currently, polychora are just a list of 3D cells, each of which is sliced into a 2D face for rendering; the sum of the 2D faces making up the full 3D "slice" of the object, as detailed in one of my first posts. However, nothing in this process has anything to do with edges. My first instinct was just to draw the slices as wireframe, then flatten them down into 2D for the editor, but this will yield a lot of useless extra lines where the slice seams are (and there are a lot). These seams are typically invisible in 3D, except for the very occasional single-pixel gap wrought by floating point error. A little AA can smooth over those gaps for 3D, but what to do in 2D with all the extra lines?

Trying to detect "useless" lines dynamically would just be a mess, so I'm not even going to go down that road. Instead, what I plan to do is further elaborate on the Cell class so that it knows what 2D faces its made of. I can then write a slicing algorithm analogous to the current one, which will slice the 2D faces into 1D line segments. This should give me an optimal wireframe ideal for editing. Additionally, slicing an object down to edges will allow me to render objects as wirefram in-game, which could be useful for some kind of extra-dimensional awareness mechanic to alert the player of nearby objects on the hidden axis.

My new long term goal is to regroup and try for DPB 10, if there is one. Seems to be a pretty successful contest each year though, so I don't see why they'd stop.
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