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I'm a web admin!

Published April 25, 2009
Yesterday I plunked down the cash for a VPS over at Linode. I'm moving a step up from shared hosting. My service at Dreamhost for my current site isn't bad per se for what I am doing with it currently, but for a site that I want to grow into a small business I felt I needed to move away shared hosting to something a bit more solid.

Linode has a good repuation and a very nice price for a VPS, but the caveat is you have to administer everything yourself. For the last couple of days I've been slowly working my way through my checklist, filling in the gaps where I go. Actually getting everything working has been dead easy, really. It's knowing enough about what I'm doing to make it reasonably secure that's the hard part.

Currently I've got the basic LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) installation up and running, with a bit of security screw tightening. Most of this was getting used to how Debian differs from Mac OS X's flavour of BSD, which I think I'm getting the hang of. Today I've got WordPress installed with a few basic security measures in place. If all's going well, I should get the basic blog up and running for internal testing tomorrow.

Then after that: some kind of logging and statistics, email services, and the all important backup system. I'm not sure how to do most of that. That all needs to be tested too.

Then after that, once I've got backups, I'm debating whether I should just nuke the whole thing and see if I can restore it from scratch. Best I find out whether I can do that now, before I lose anything of value.

I'm hoping this will all be done by next weekend, when I can go live.

It's slow going and possibly overkill for where I am right now, but I figure if I do a good enough job now learning and setting up the basics, things will go far more seamlessly later and I'll be up to speed when I need to be.
Previous Entry Blog Shake-up
Next Entry New site on its way
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Looking forward to hearing how Linode works out for you. I had a toy VPS over at Slicehost for a few months. Loved the service and the tools. I'll be looking at buckling down with one long-term at some point and have been seriously considering Linode. On the surface, there's very little between them. I suppose I should get one up to play with and see for myself.
April 26, 2009 09:13 AM
Trapper Zoid
Quote: Original post by Aldacron
Looking forward to hearing how Linode works out for you. I had a toy VPS over at Slicehost for a few months. Loved the service and the tools. I'll be looking at buckling down with one long-term at some point and have been seriously considering Linode. On the surface, there's very little between them. I suppose I should get one up to play with and see for myself.

From what I've read, they're both quite good. Linode's slightly better value on the surface, but Slicehost has Rackspace backing them up.

I went with Linode mostly from the vibe I got from their site. They seem pretty friendly and helpful yet professional. Slicehost is probably the same, but they seemed a bit more traditionally business like. I also found another Aussie indie game developer on the IndieGamer forum who used Linode, so I could give him a referral.

So far it's been ace, but I'll need to use them a bit longer before I can make a proper recommendation.
April 26, 2009 07:17 PM
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