Help Wanted Picks

posted in J of K
Published December 08, 2008
Just a quick post to point anyone who doesn't regularly visit the front page of the site in the direction of the second edition of what will hopefully continue to be a regular fortnightly news-item here at GDNet: Help Wanted Picks.

The basic idea is to handpick a few projects every couple of weeks which stand out amongst the others and give them a bit of front-page exposure on the site - hopefully it'll get more skilled developers connecting, thereby attracting more promising projects which traditionally sometimes shy away from our beginner-friendly (and therefore sometimes unfortunately swamped with low quality projects) HW forum.

While I'm less confident about the success of my first and third choices for featured projects than I was the first time I think the chosen threads do clearly stand out amongst the rest, and still have the very-likely-to-succeed EDI project in there.

So, anything that could/should be added/removed/done differently? As a reader who might be looking for help, would it be worth it to you if I'd spent the time to sort and/or summarise the list of services offered at the bottom? Do you agree with my choice of projects, and with what I said about them? Have you recently visited Help Wanted and think I missed a brilliant project that should have been included?
Previous Entry Help Wanted!
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Put pictures if at all possible. People like to look at pictures, and nothing entices them to click a link more than a great looking screenshot. Of course, that might not always be possible depending on the post, but you get the idea.
December 08, 2008 08:57 AM
Good thinking - it didn't even occur to me to do this at first because our news items are generally text-only, but it appears images are indeed supported by the software. Thanks for the feedback. [smile]
December 08, 2008 09:25 AM
Mike's opinion officially seconded by me :)
December 11, 2008 10:08 PM
I think there should also be, at the end, a single selection of a horrible Help Wanted post just as a quick "What Not To Do"
December 12, 2008 11:29 AM
Servant of the Lord
Original post by Gaiiden
I think there should also be, at the end, a single selection of a horrible Help Wanted post just as a quick "What Not To Do"

But other GDnetters would be sure to 'kindly' berate those posters, and their post will most likely be deleted by mods, or else editted by the OP, and any links pointing at them wouldn't make sense anymore.
December 12, 2008 05:48 PM
Original post by Servant of the Lord
Original post by Gaiiden
I think there should also be, at the end, a single selection of a horrible Help Wanted post just as a quick "What Not To Do"

But other GDnetters would be sure to 'kindly' berate those posters, and their post will most likely be deleted by mods, or else editted by the OP, and any links pointing at them wouldn't make sense anymore.

Maybe he could link to cached versions of them? That way you could still have a "What not to do" section while the OP of the particular help wanted post could still be corrected ;)
December 13, 2008 12:40 PM
Hrm, the only way I think a "what not to do" could really be feasible without anyone getting their nose out of joint would be to pick really old examples, which wouldn't really have the same effect.
December 25, 2008 06:57 AM
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