Cryptex of Time
![Cryptex of Time screenshots](
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Cryptex of Time is a casual puzzle game under development by one of our long-time but not overly well known users AJirenius and intended to be published via online portals. He's actually got the game to a completed state except for some graphics and audio assets and is currently looking for help with finishing it off, and apparently already has some interest from at least one publisher.
In spite of the advanced stage of development, relative ease of the work required, near guarantee of project completion and the fact that he's willing to negotiate some compensation for work done he has unfortunately not yet recieved any (well... only one composer) interest from people who may be able to help.
If you are or know of anyone who may be able to help out, please take a look at or pass on his Help Wanted thread.
Honourable mentions for interesting Help Wanted thread also currently go to:
Are Fell; oldschool RPG looking to fill various positions
and 1944 D-Day; WWII sim seeking gameplay programmers and other roles.
All the best,