Tangent: Bug Update

Published September 23, 2008
Tiny update. The bug from the last post has been found and killed. The problem wasn't with nested type parameterization (that works fine). The problem was that when Tangent instances go into .NET, they go as the underlying .NET instance of all Tangent instances. Tangent then handles the type safety. When I re-import the List so I can call it's methods, I need to make a Tangent Type for foo (Tangent Object). Since there's certain stuff not implemented, I fail out if the type doesn't have a public default constructor. Tangent Object did not, so the re-import failed to import all the members of List that use T. Oops.

But roadblock cleared. I have Wednesday targeted towards getting the maze app completed. Hopefully baring too many more roadblocks I'll have a nice, bigger example app in Tangent to show off then.

Note: Tangent will support importing of types without default constructors, I just haven't figured out how that's going to work at time of writing.
Previous Entry Slow week.
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