Slow week.

Published September 20, 2008
Not much to report this week. The explicit identifier stuff took a lot of energy and was followed up by hectic real work. Plus I'm at a point where pretty much all of the experimental sort of Tangent features are implemented, leaving the relatively mundane tasks (implementing generic declarations, exceptions, statics, lock/using/yield, events, public/private/etc) that I've skipped over. I'm not really good with that middle ground of mundane but not trivial code monkey work.

I'm aiming to do the maze chapter of the C# workshop as a target app in Tangent to see what's missing and show off language features. It's working well. Five minutes and I found 2 bugs, one of which turned into a blocker of the app (List> runs into issues during type parameterization).

Hopefully more to come as the week goes along and the bugs are shaken out of the system. Ideally I'll have another public release after the maze app and maybe one other shakedown.
Previous Entry Tangent: Phrases
Next Entry Tangent: Bug Update
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