Cartooning practice and Inkscape 0.46

Published April 15, 2008
I made a post about this in my own journal at, but I know more people view the one here (and who can blame you?) It's more art than gamedev related, but there are strong gamey overtones.

I'm currently practising my cartooning via the new Inkscape (0.46) to see how well it ticks, as well as dusting off my lapsed skills. I've set myself a target of starting a webcomic sometime in 2008 (after I graduate, so I've got the time to put in the work required to launch it and build up a regular routine), so I need get my skill and speed up to something servicable. Speed is something I'm worried about - my current technique is slow, slow, slow.

As a start, I've created in Inkscape a version of an early draft of a character concept for one of the two ideas I'm bouncing around in my head for a webcomic (his name is "Eight", and he's loosely based on at least four different characters). At this stage I'm sure he'll evolve from this; I haven't even decided what colour I'd like to make him. But he's a good practice sample.

I made him using my standard Inkscape technique; draw a draft, then craft the figure out of basic shapes. Unfortunately this method is slooowwww. I don't think I can do more than concept art this way.

I'm thinking I should give a more traditional pen inking approach a go and see what it does to the quality and speed of character drawing.

I'm happy for any feedback or constructive criticism on any of this, or the character as he stands. I'm not that sure about my method of drawing eyes; it's something of a staple I do now, but it's a bit different from what people usually do. I may also need to float some eyebrows over them to make them properly expressive; emotion can sometimes be hard to read with eyes like that.

Edit: Since I ended up adding in that last paragraph about eyebrows, I'll add in an image here on some tests I've been doing with eyebrows and expressions.

I'm not sure how well these faces will read without the eyebrows. I can just deform the eye shapes, but they won't be as clear. But with the eyebrows, the whole face is "busier". It's something I need to play around with.
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HAHA, dude that is awesome! Great character [smile]

The eyebrows would be a good idea, as the visor of the helmet may obscure the expression in the eyes. The only concern I would have is of them getting in the way of the number 8, it might seem a bit busy with all those lines. Maybe make the eyes smaller and the eyebrows down a bit lower?

(btw, please tell me he has a sidekick, like a cute little space dog [grin])
April 15, 2008 04:51 AM
Trapper Zoid
Quote: Original post by boolean
HAHA, dude that is awesome! Great character [smile]

Thanks! Although for my comic idea Eight is pretty much the easiest character to design because nearly every one of the heroes in my game concepts is like him. He's essentially the same as the Ice Slider Kid avatar I had for ages, but in robot form. He's also a lot like a character for a game I was toying with that I don't think I've mentioned here called "Fly Boy" (at least in terms of the helmet).

Quote: The eyebrows would be a good idea, as the visor of the helmet may obscure the expression in the eyes. The only concern I would have is of them getting in the way of the number 8, it might seem a bit busy with all those lines. Maybe make the eyes smaller and the eyebrows down a bit lower?

Usually when I draw eyebrows for these types of characters they "float", so they'd be rectangular things over the top of the helmet. They probably would get in the way of the 8. I've been putting them in and taking them out of my pencil draft sketches for ages; I don't know if they add too much detail to the character or not, but they do make it easier for a character to emote.

I might put the eyes on top of the visor though - there's no need for them to be underneath if the character always has a visor on. That way they'll be crisp and black.

Quote: (btw, please tell me he has a sidekick, like a cute little space dog [grin])

Dunno to be honest [grin]. My comic idea is still at the character design stage. Actually I've been toggling between two ideas, and I've been mainly working on the other one. However that concept is far more dramatic at its heart and I just don't think I have the writing skill to pull it off as a first comic, so I've shelved it.

"Eight" is for more of a game-based comical adventure type story, and is meant to act as pretty much any robotic/android based character I can think of. At the moment he's more of a sidekick himself, but I could see a cute robot dog in there.

I've got to work more on the script too; this thing won't be anywhere near launchable for at least four months. At the moment I'm worried about the character I've pencilled in as the "monster tyrant" archetype, as I can seem craft anything that works for his look.
April 15, 2008 05:43 AM
Love your inkscape stuff [smile]
April 15, 2008 05:55 AM
Outstanding character. The berserk eyebrows don't strike me as all the berserk. More like "quizzical".
April 15, 2008 09:50 AM
Trapper Zoid
Quote: Original post by johnhattan
Outstanding character. The berserk eyebrows don't strike me as all the berserk. More like "quizzical".

"Berserk" was really badly labelled. What I was experimenting with was one of the theories of emotion: that people only have six basic emotional states and all the others are combinations of these. The basic six with neutral are in the top row, and then I threw in some extras in the next row down although I obviously haven't got very far yet. "Berserk" was an attempt to merge anger and fear.
April 15, 2008 05:59 PM
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