Random Game Element Widget

Published March 22, 2008
It's Easter Sunday and halfway through the Easter break. I've been re-acquainting myself with Flash. I've got the urge to make some happy fun bouncy type games, but I've got an insane amount of things going on at the moment so I'm limiting myself to throwaway prototypes in the next couple of months; the sorts of things I can spend an evening on if I find the time or need a break.

To start with, I've made a little Flash widget to come up with random game elements. I've stuck a copy in the header of my journal here. All it does is read in an XML file and output a random element every time you push the button.

I'm still thinking of what I should put in the XML file. It's fairly hard to come up with a decent list of elements. Here's a copy of the XML file if you want to see the current list (technically it's invalid as it doesn't have a header, but Flash doesn't complain). If you've got any suggestions I'd be happy to read them.

Edit: I think I'll spend a few more hours today playing around with Flash, so I've used the widget to come up with an idea - plants. I'll throw around some ideas and see what I can do.
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